The right code. Our motto says it all. We provide the highest quality coding available. Forget unsupportable, undocumented, inexplicable patched-together spaghetti code that just does not work, and forget disappearing support. If we do it, we do it right. Or we won't take the job in the first place.
You have a great idea, but you don't know how to make it happen. We can help you determine how by doing initial concept, marketing and sales studies. Need a prototype? We can make your idea physical reality. We also offer start-up funding advice.
Invoicing for freelancers and other small business owners - Fast ACH transfers get you paid on time!
A new kind of storage service. Think of it as a vault with a time machine and remote control.
A new way to verify and rate home contractors. Check licensing, insurance, verify business credentials.
Navigate in space using only onboard systems with no dependence on Earth-based or any other external systems.
Global rewards and online sales in international markets. DES providing ongoing updates, upgrades and maintenance. Coming soon: Expansion into a several new markets.
About Us. Not just a website out of the blue. Context. Who, what, where, why, even when. Definitions and clarity grow here.